Tuesday 19 February 2008


Cross in Stratford upon Avon.

Also, it is an odd day.

Monday 18 February 2008

annnd we're back!

I took some time off, so in apology I am posting three pictures instead of just one.

Liam and Caroline lounging at First Out Cafe in SoHo.

The ruins of a bridge at Warwick Castle.

The bike graveyard at Imperial.

Hopefully, daily posts will resume from here on.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

Pancake Day

I am currently short one camera cord, but I will have it back by tomorrow, I am assured, so I am putting up a place holder.
Scott (my "5th" flatmate) and I at Imperial Pub the first week here.
Epic picture.
Scott's drink is Guiness, mine is Blackthorn Cider.

Monday 4 February 2008

Back on Track

Updates will be ceasing when I am out of town, hence the three day break that was this weekend.
Sunset walking down Gloucester Road, look at the way the sunset reflects on the building on the right, and how crisp the silhouettes are on the chimneys.